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Finding Normalcy After Cancer

Surviving cancer is a great accomplishment, but it doesn't come without consequences. The fight may be over, but the body and mind still need time to heal. The lack of energy and the fear of recurrence can be overwhelming. It's crucial to give yourself time to recover and get a support system in place.After surviving cancer, one is often asked the question, "What's next?" It's an innocent inquiry, but it can be overwhelming. Many survivors may feel like they've already accomplished the biggest challenge and struggle to define the next goal. It's important to take time for introspection and access your true desires.

"A cancer diagnosis changes you. It opens your eyes to what's important in life. Don't let anyone else define your future. Follow your heart and do what makes sense for you." - Anonymous cancer survivor

the world keeps asking me the same question - "What are you going to do?" All I want is a moment to rest, but life goes on.Returning to normal life after cancer can be challenging. The world around you may not have stopped while you were fighting the disease, and it can be hard to find your place again. There may be physical and logistical challenges, like returning to work or school, or social difficulties as relationships may have changed.Isolation during treatment can leave you feeling out of touch. Reconnecting with others can be both exciting and daunting.Unfortunately, societal expectations of returning to a "normal life" may put additional pressure on cancer survivors. People may not understand the lasting impact of the disease and want you to move on quickly. It's important to set boundaries and communicate your needs effectively.

Here's what some of my Breastie's.  have said to me to help me move from this beast. 

Don't: Force yourself to attend events if you don't feel ready.

Do: Communicate your needs with family and friends. Let them know if you need time to recover and process the experience.

Don't: Feel guilty if your energy levels are low. Your body and mind need time to heal. Take your time and be patient with yourself.

Do: Take on activities you enjoy at a pace that suits you. It's important to find joy again and foster a positive attitude.

Cancer treatment can be grueling, and it's critical to give yourself time to recover fully. Many people feel pressure to jump back into their regular lives, but it's essential to rest and recharge. When struggling, it can be beneficial to find activities that are relaxing and help you unwind. Cancer can change your life drastically. Once the disease is gone, survivors may feel like they've entered a new world that is vastly different from what they knew before. It's like receiving a new reality that they weren't prepared for. Honestly for me I know my life will never be same an that just sucks thinking about it , but. thats my reality Cancer changed. me so so much . 

Cancer can change your perspective on the world and your place in it. It's common to feel lost or unsure about the future after surviving the disease. The aftermath of cancer also includes financial hardships and ongoing struggles. Cancer treatment is expensive, and returning to work may put additional pressure on the body. It's crucial to find resources to aid in the transition and recovery process. As the fog of treatment lifts, the reality sets in. Life moves on, bills need to be paid, and the world keeps spinning. The transition from "patient" to "survivor" brings a whole new set of challenges.


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