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Tips for after Double Mastectomy

1. Follow your doctor's instructions: It's important to follow your doctor's post-operative instructions regarding wound care, medications, and activity restrictions.

2. Take pain medication as prescribed: Managing pain is crucial for your comfort and recovery. Take your prescribed pain medication as directed by your doctor.

3. Gradually increase activity: Start with gentle movements and gradually increase your activity level as tolerated. This can help prevent stiffness and promote healing.

4. Perform shoulder exercises: Regularly perform gentle shoulder exercises recommended by your healthcare team to prevent frozen shoulder and maintain range of motion.

5. Use pillows for support: Place pillows under your arms or between your arms and torso to provide support and reduce discomfort while sleeping or resting.

6. Wear comfortable clothing: Choose loose-fitting, soft clothing that doesn't put pressure on the surgical site. Front-opening or loose-fitting tops can be easier to put on and take off.

7. Practice deep breathing exercises: Deep breathing exercises can help prevent lung complications and promote relaxation. Take slow, deep breaths and exhale fully.

8. Seek emotional support: Reach out to friends, family, or support groups to share your feelings and concerns. Emotional support can be crucial during the recovery process.

9. Maintain a healthy diet: Eating a balanced diet rich in nutrients can support your healing process. Consult with a nutritionist or your healthcare team for personalized recommendations.

10. Attend follow-up appointments: Regularly attend your follow-up appointments with your healthcare team to monitor your progress and address any concerns or complications.

Remember, every individual's recovery experience may vary, so it's important to consult with your healthcare team for personalized advice and guidance. Also remember I went sugar coat shit either it hurts your gonna need help take it.


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