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Today is March 3rd, a day that holds significance as Triple Negative Breast Cancer Day. It's both astonishing and humbling to realize that my own battle with triple negative breast cancer is so fierce that it has garnered its own dedicated day of awareness. However, amidst the recognition, I made a conscious decision not to focus my post on this particular aspect today. March holds a multitude of personal milestones for me - it marks my daughter's birthday and the anniversary of my surgery. While my journey with triple negative breast cancer is an integral part of my story, I find myself wanting to delve into other facets of my life this month.

March is a month of profound importance for me this year. It signifies the first anniversary of my surgery and the celebration of Laila's 10th birthday. Directing my attention towards anything beyond these significant events this month would feel like a disservice to the depth of emotions and experiences that I am navigating. While I did not actively participate in any campaigns related to Triple Negative Breast Cancer Day this year, it does not imply that I will not engage in such initiatives in the future. It simply reflects where I am in my journey at this moment.

In the past five to six months, I have been deeply engrossed in collaborative efforts with the American Cancer Society, particularly focusing on biomarker testing. My dedication to this cause has been unwavering, and I am scheduled to meet with a senator next week to discuss early prevention strategies, the importance of biomarker testing, and the unique challenges faced by individuals of color, like myself, hailing from underprivileged backgrounds. My commitment to raising awareness and advocating for improved resources in the fight against cancer remains steadfast.

I acknowledge that I did not address Triple Negative Breast Cancer Day in my post, and for that, I extend my apologies. It was not a matter of forgetting, but rather a deliberate choice to prioritize the personal milestones and advocacy work that hold immense significance for me at this juncture. It is disheartening to receive messages questioning my authenticity and dedication based on my decision not to conform to certain expectations. I am not a robotic entity programmed to adhere to a predefined set of actions; I am an individual with a unique voice and a distinct path that I choose to follow.

In essence, while Triple Negative Breast Cancer Day serves as a poignant reminder of the challenges I have faced and continue to confront, my journey encompasses a tapestry of experiences that extend far beyond a single day of recognition. My focus remains on honoring the personal milestones, advocating for crucial causes, and staying true to my authentic self as I navigate the complexities of life after cancer.


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